The serpentine belt in your Land Rover performs an important function of transferring power from the engine crankshaft to other essential components. It is a key car component that keeps a car’s engine running by transferring power to the alternator, Air conditioning system, power steering pump, radiator fan, and other key components.
A damaged serpentine belt would prevent all these parts from functioning adequately, putting your Rover’s engine at risk. It is important to find a mechanic shop close to you for a replacement once the one in your car gets faulty. By doing this, you can protect your engine and save yourself some cost.
Top Reasons for a Faulty Serpentine Belt in a Vehicle
Your Land Rover’s serpentine belt could get damaged and need a replacement as a result of several factors, such as;
1. Aging
The serpentine belt in your vehicle is made of rubber, making it easily prone to wear and damage. The older your vehicle is, the higher the chances are that some of its parts can start to wear off due to continuous use and other factors.
2. Incorrect Installation
A faulty serpentine belt could also be due to installation errors, and this is more likely if you have recently replaced your car’s belt. If the serpentine belt is not correctly aligned into position, then it could easily get damaged as the engine runs.
3. Oil Contamination
If fluids, such as oil leak from your Land Rover’s engine, it could lead to a contamination of the serpentine belt which could eventually cause the belt to degrade. The serpentine belt, as stated earlier, is made of rubber material and when soaked in oil for a long period can begin to deteriorate, affecting the function and you would need to replace such a belt.
4. Thermal Stress
The engine runs under extreme conditions like high heat. Consistent exposure to these conditions can cause the serpentine belt to wear off, get damaged, or break after a period. Hence, if your car’s engine overheats often, the serpentine belt could be at risk of damage.
Signs that Indicate Your Land Rover’s Serpentine Belt Needs a Replacement
As a Land Rover owner, you need to be able to identify certain signs that indicate a fault in your car’s systems as this would help you take timely actions to keep your car protected. Here are some signs to show a faulty serpentine belt in your vehicle.
Squealing Noise from Engine Area
This is one of the most common signs of a faulty serpentine belt in any vehicle. This sound could get louder or more obvious when you accelerate and it indicates that the belt is not well aligned or is starting to slip off.
Engine Overheating
Another indicator of a bad serpentine belt is when your car’s engine starts to overheat. This is because a working belt helps to power the water pump, which cools the engine. But with a fault in the belt, the water pump cannot perform its function, causing the engine to overheat.
Visual signs of damage
This is an obvious proof of fault in a car’s serpentine belt. You are more likely to notice signs of wear and damage in a serpentine belt if you regularly inspect your car. If you see tears, cracks, or abrasions on the belt, then it is time to get a replacement to avoid further trouble.
Faulty Alternator/ Battery
The serpentine belt is in charge of supplying power to the car’s alternator. A damaged belt can impair the function of the alternator, and this could affect your vehicle. A bad alternator does not charge a battery as it should and a vehicle in this situation may stop working once the battery dies.
The Best Shop for Your Land Rover’s Serpentine Belt Repair in Las Vegas
If your Land Rover’s serpentine belt is damaged,
no amount of repair can make it as effective as it used to be. To help get your car back to high function, you need to get a professional to handle the belt replacement.
Paladin Automotive offers quality auto repair services to European car owners in Spring Valley, Summerlin, and Las Vegas. We understand your car is valuable and we provide repair services using high-quality materials to maintain this value for your car. Hence, bring your car down today for quality and affordable services.